I’ll be gathering material at the Hibernian’s Dogtown Parade today, so blogging will be light.
Know what Michael Jackson and K-Mart have in common?
They both have little boys shorts half-off.
In other news:
- Congress holds its steroids in baseball hearings today.
- Lebanon gets more free by the minute
- Robert Blake not guilty
- I paid $2.06 a gallon for gasoline yesterday
- The Senate passed legislation to open ANWR to oil drilling–guess who’s upset?
- I concluded that finding an alternative to oil must become a major priority
- Catfish nuggets are really, really good
- Dogs are creatures of habit
- Say hello to Michelle at Right in Texas
- Echoes of Forever has a some interesting items you might have missed from yesterday’s top news, including an interesting photo during the Terri Schaivo case
- Michelle Malkin goes after a student anti-war nightmare in Seatle. (Did I ever tell you about my Beer and Rock for War Party in college? It got on the local news)
- With Laci Peterson’s killer on death row, it’s time for her family to heal and live
See y’all later.
BTW–Erin go braugh means Forever Ireland.
UPDATE: Photos from the parade