Authorities said that John Evander Couey (search) admitted that he abducted Jessica from her bedroom more than three weeks ago. He also told them the general area where the young girl’s body could be found, according to police.
Dawsy said Couey confessed after taking a lie detector test given by a polygraph investigator who had traveled to Augusta. After the test was finished, Couey told detectives that “you don’t need to tell me the results. I already know what they are,” Dawsy said. “He apologized to the investigators for wasting their time,” Dawsy said
As I said in my original post on the subject, of all the missing girls (and one is too many), this one touched me in some way that I can’t account for–unless it’s Jessica’s physical similarities to a little girl I knew who left us too soon by our clocks. I pray Jessica Lunsford’s existence is so vastly richer than anything we can imagine. I pray that John Evander Couey freed her from the confines of this wretched world into a wold of splendor beyond our dreams.
Selfishlessly, though, I wish I’d never heard her name and that her father or grandparents were tucking her safely into bed tonight.
Eternal rest grant her, o Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon her. May Jessica’s soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Update: Blogs for Bush has comments. Political Teen has video