God Bless the People of New Orleans

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I know that everyone with a heart is watching prayerfully as the Katrina prepares to make New Orleans a piece of Americana history. If the worst of the predictions comes true, there could be several hundred thousand refugees.

To Register for Homes for Katrina Victims #

Please register at https://katrinahomes.billhennessy.com

The information you provide will be used exclusively for coordinating this effort, should your kind services be required. In the meantime, we are praying that no one needs our help.

Sincerely, Bill Hennessy

Perhaps we fortunate souls in the rest of the country should begin a ring of volunteers willing to put up a displaced person or family until they can get back on their feet. I’m sure the government will help relocate folks. While St. Louis isn’t exactly Louisianna’s backyard, our door is open to such a family in need.

If anyone else in reasonable proximity to New Orleans would like to extend such an offer, please e-mail me at mail@billhennessy.com. I can fire up a website to coordinate these private shelters in 24 hours, but only if there’s interest. Click here for lastest on Open Homes

Why the gloom? Because New Orleans may be under water for . . . months. Here’s a cross-sectional view of the city

Cross-section view of New Orleans
(click for larger view)

As you can see, the city is below water level. A 20-foot storm surge on Lake Pontchartrain could (with Dan Ratheresque emphasis) – COULD – put much of the city under 12-20 feet of water. The pumps which discharge each gallon of rain water from New Orleans run on electricity with diesel backup. They don’t work if flooded, and they don’t have enough diesel fuel to return the lake to its banks. Add in the trillion dollar price tags, and try to find a re-insurance company willing to insure a building. Thus, New Orleans may cease to be a major city. The displacement of persons might be permanent, causing a northward migration not seens since the end of the Civil War.

At 9:00 CDT, our family will say a Rosary for the people in New Orleans. Please join us.

UPDATES: The Rosary has been said. The Glorious Mysteries, of course. God’s will be done, and may the Holy Spirit give the people of the Gulf Coast the strength, faith, and courage to rise above nature’s fury. May their faith guide them to, one day, stand before the Lord Who tells them, “Well done!”

Tonight, I’m linking to some blogs that I’ve never seen before, as well as familiar ones. I wanted to catch the words and thoughts of prayers of those in the path of the storm or with loved ones therein.

Never Misunderestimated headlines with the perfect line from CCR

WhenYouSpeak has family from New Orleans visiting a place of safety.

Andy Penner says goodbye New Orleans

Echoing my lovely and perceptive wife, ProsAndCons speaks of the Wrath of God

South Florida Bible Talk, knocked off the air due to Katrina, prays for New Orleans

Raven’s Rant is a sad, good read from the path of the storm

Michelle Malkin has a running Katrina entry, and she points us to a very sobering report on Storm Digest blog that questions the integrity of the SuperDome, where more than 30,000 of New Orleans' poorest, neediest, and most unfortunate are gathered to ride it out. I thought the same thing myself. But what choice do those poor people have.

And, just to prove all is still right with the world, the liberals have already blamed the hurricane on George W. Bush.

UPDATE: FoxNews reports that the roof of the SuperDome is leaking.