Times-Picayune Bugging Out

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To Register for Homes for Katrina Victims #

Please register at https://katrinahomes.billhennessy.com

The information you provide will be used exclusively for coordinating this effort, should your kind services be required. In the meantime, we are praying that no one needs our help.

Sincerely, Bill Hennessy

With Lake Pontchartrain continuing to pour into New Orleans, the city’s major daily newspaper has ordered an evacuation of its building and its reporters.

As of 9:40 AM:

Water continues to rise around our building, as it is throughout the region. We want to evaucate our employees and families while we are still able to safely leave our building.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon hopes to stop the growing levee burst with sandbags, according to Drudge. Officials plan to drop 3,000 lbs. sandbags from helicopters into the Lake to stem the breech.

Historic French Quarter, which survived the hurricane proper in relatively good shape, is now flooding according to witnesses. With news media abandoning the city, though, official reports are hard to come by.