Saints Among Us

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A week ago yesterday, anticipating Katrina’s arrival on the Gulf Coast, I penned the following paragraph on this blog:

Perhaps we fortunate souls in the rest of the country should begin a ring of volunteers willing to put up a displaced person or family until they can get back on their feet. I’m sure the government will help relocate folks. While St. Louis isn’t exactly Louisianna’s backyard, our door is open to such a family in need.

I had no idea at the time what would result. Within an hour, I began receiving replies via e-mail. On Monday, InstaPundit and Michelle Malkin mentioned the quote. By Tuesday morning, the site,, was up. Between Monday and Friday, more 1,400 saintly souls from the United States, Canada, Germany, and Australia had offered assistance, transportation, jobs, housing, prayers, and money through this one of a dozen similar sites.

From every socio-economic group came offers of help. The e-mails I received were incredible.

I have an extra room and bathroom, and although I live in Sedalia, Missouri, which is a 12 hour drive from my birthplace, New Orleans… may be useful to someone should Katrina create a refugee situation such as what you’ve mentioned on your blog.

I’m not sure how we’ll do it, but we could make room for one or two kids or a small family.

I am interested in helping out ; I do not have much room, but could help two-three people long-term , and people at my Church have said their homes are open. I am about 6-7 hours away from Mobile , Gulfport , and New Orleans area ; I would be willing to drive and pick-up anyone if necessary.

we are in san antonio, texas….how can we help?

i know i am far away…but have a queen bed bedroom in my basement with half bath (shower) and a single bed bedroom on the main floor …could take people in if they can get here…i am a nurse and just feel so desperate to help

Bill, I’m not real close. I’m in Charleston, SC, not wealthy, but have a couch and a baby crib and can offer care and comfort to a mom and child in need.

I saw your offer on the Michelle Malkin website and it really touched me. About a month ago, I took a short term company transfer from New Orleans, La to Medina, OH with my three kids in tow. I have lived other areas in the South, but am a born and raised Cajun from New Orleans, and this has killed me. My entire family, my brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends and my mom and dad…all still live there. New Orleans is home, and while it did bother me that my city as I know it will never be the same, my largest concern is for my family, who for the most part has no home or job to return to. My parents have another home in the country that everyone is staying at for the moment, but where they go from here seems to be the biggest question. It touched me greatly for someone so far away to care so much that you would open your home to strangers in crisis. That is truly what being American is all about! *Like you my home is open to anyone who needs a hand, and I Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity. I can be contacted at the number below or via e-mail if I can be of any assistance.

We don’t have much space, but we are willing to take in a family displaced by the hurricane and provide the shelter, food and any other necessities. We live in Conroe, Texas near Houston.

We could possibly even drive to Texas or something in order to help people get here, as I know that my neighbors and other townspeople would willingly open their doors as well.

Contact me if I can be of assistance. We have a separate guest house that will sleep 5-6. I will assist with relocation expenses. I have employment available for entry level phone work for displaced individuals, if wanted.

Folks, these are your neighbors, your fellows, your brothers and sisters. After the disasterous failures of various governments, after the murderous crimes by thugs in New Orleans, after the heartrending rescues and pleas for help we’ve all witnessed over the past week, it is easy to think this country and this world are going to hell in a handbasket.

But the people prove otherwise. These are ordinary folk aching to help, aching to be of assistance. Except for one ignorant moron, no one cared about race, income, or education of the victims. No one asked if they were Christian or Jewish or Italian. They asked only to be involved, to be blessed with a house guest who really needed a bed or sofa or floor under a safe roof. They didn’t ask if these were American citizens or tourists or illegal aliens. They asked only for the opportunity to help someone less fortunate than themselves.

The disaster’s legal category is Act of God. Perhaps. But, from where I sit, the real acts of God came shining through the generous hearts of the thousands upon thousands of people who asked not what they could afford or what risks they took by offering help. Instead, they asked only “What can I do for my brother or sister?” In their great goodness, we learned more about God’s mercy than about man’s weaknesses, more about the joy of living than the pain of dying, more about the beauty of life than about the ugliness of disaster and death.

God bless you wonderful saints. I don’t deserve to know people so good.

Beltway Traffic Jam