Dems To Hold Secret Roll Call

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The party of lies, deceit, class hatred, race hatred, and Jimmy Carter will break with tradition by holding its convention roll call vote behind closed doors at a hotel on Wednesday morning.

Supporters of Hillary Rodham Clinton are furiously circulating petitions on the floor of the Democratic National Convention tonight, hoping to stave off a plan to hold the convention’s roll call at breakfast Wednesday — out of the public eye — sources inside the delegations say.

The move being worked out between the Obama campaign and officials behind Clinton’s suspended bid, would work in two parts: Delegates would cast votes at their hotels Wednesday morning; that night, at the Pepsi Center convention site, the roll-call process would rely on the votes cast that morning, the delegates said. [Denver Post]

No wonder these people thought the KGB was so cool. Never bigger flock of phonies in one city at one time in history.