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From the

Mercury News:

Barack Obama made the calamity on Wall Street the central theme of his case against John McCain on Saturday, invoking the crisis to pound his rival on Social Security, health care and government reform.

Let me get this straight: The highest-paid Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac politician on the planet wants to blame the financial crisis on the only politician whom Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were unable to bribe!

Obama needs a swift kick to the groin.

I won’t let this rest: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac paid Barack Obama 4 times as much as any other member of Congress. Obama is their bitch.

Obama did $42,116.33 a year worth of bidding for the people who brought on the financial crisis. Don’t let him forget it.

Jay Tea, lifelong Democrat, has turned away from Obama. Every open-minded Democrat should find out why. Congratulation, Jay, and kudos for your candor and spine.

Technorati Tags: Barack Obama,Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac,Bribery