Thanks to the 1,000+ patriots who stood in the snow at the Arch, Dana “The Energizer” Loesch, Doug Saur, the speakers, Michelle Moore and Jeff who managed the fairgrounds, Desiree' the Poster Party Lady, and the true leaders at #TCOT who held my hand after I stumbled into this event.
America’s future is not in the White House; it was on the steps of the Gateway Arch and dozens of other Tea Party locations today.
This was not an event; it was step in a march that ends with Repealing Pork by Retiring socialists.
The scene was simply unbelievable. Dana Loesch electified the crowd, and Hall of Famer Jackie Smith had them roaring. In between, American Issues Project President Ed Martin, conservative blogger Shamed Dogan, responsible mother and former candidate for State Senate Gina Loudon, and State Senator Lemke (sp?) sent a clear message that the 1,000+ adored.
The Republic will be in great hands. . . soon.
Thank you all.
If you were at the St. Louis, event, upload photos and videos to See you Facebook messages for details.
Photos & Videos:
Keep this movement growing; going isn’t enough. Tell your friends to watch the news feeds, read the blogs, monitor #tcot. Don’t stop. This wave won’t crest until we have a conservative Congress, President, and SCOTUS.