Tea Party Message Sinking In

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Rasmussen’s weekly report shows the Tea Party message of limited government and lower taxes is hitting home with voters.

Tax Cuts:  More voters than ever now say tax cuts help the economy.  Over 60 percent now agree with JFK, Reagan, Bush, and the undeniable facts of economic history: cutting taxes increases GDP and personal wealth.  

A separate survey released earlier today found that 66% of voters think the president is likely to raise taxes on those who make less than $250,000 per year. 

Obama Approval:  Obama’s net favorability is down to +4 from + 30 after his inauguration.  Rasmussen notes that Obama’s flurry of exposure–The Tonight Show, 60 Minutes, primetime press conference, townhall–did not increase his favorability at all.  In fact, it’s fallen 2 points since last week.  

Nationalized Banks:  Only 11 percent believe the government can do a better job running banks.

If these trends continue, Obama will be unable to influence key Democrats in Congress, and he will be a 3-year lame duck.  That’s the best the country can hope for.

You can help by spreading the word:  Obama’s plans for a socialist dictatorship are dangerous and un-American.  

Stop him!  Stop him, now!