shhhh-For Tea Partiers Only

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🕔 2 min read ∙ 271 words

I dwell on this too much, but my new ebook–Zen Conservatism–is now available. Currently, you’ll have to pay by

Google Checkout.

The hard launch is scheduled for Monday, December 14, but I wanted to make the ebook available to St. Louis Tea Partiers early AND at a discount of only $6.50. (It will go up to $9.50 on Monday.)

In addition to the Zen Conservatism ebook, you can register now to become Happier, Healthier, and More Effective in just 3 Minutes a Day. Become a Positive Journalist on Read this article and follow the links inside. My goal is to have 1,000 people enter 30 positive stories before St. Patrick’s Day. You can start today, even without buying a book. (Offer will end soon, so hurry if you want to blog without registering.)

Finally, thank you, all of you, for the most amazing year of my life. I start writing this book a week after the 2008 elections. I was writing to myself at first, but then I heard so much fear and anger that I decided to make it a book. Then the Tea Party started, and . . . well, I just didn’t have the time to finish it. I took some time off of the Tea Party in October to dust off the file and wrap it up. I hope you like it. I know some of you will disagree with parts of it, and some might be disappointed with my honesty. I can’t help that–I don’t think you’d want me any other way.

Thanks,* Bill

Zen Conservatism is not published by St. Louis Tea Party Coalition.