St. Louis County Votes

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🕔 2 min read ∙ 217 words

Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 6, is Election Day in St. Louis County. In some places, especially throughout South County, the only measure on the ballot is Proposition A: a sales tax increase.

Prop A’s backers—principally County Exec Charlie Dooley and Chesterfield Mayor John Nations—claim this tax increase of up to $650 per family will allow Metro to grow. You know otherwise.

* Dooley and Nations cannot point to a specific plan. They point to four.** They cannot tell you how much any of the four plans costs. They tell you, “a lot more than we’ve got.”** They cannot tell you that Proposition A will cover the cost of expansion. It will not.** They cannot tell you Proposition A won’t pay for the sins of the past. It will.** They cannot tell you that Proposition A will be enough to run Metro for five years without another tax increase. It won’t.** They cannot tell you that Proposition A will make lives of the poor and disabled better. It won’t** Dooley and Nations cannot give you one positive reason to raise your taxes. They can only give excuses.   

In short, Proposition A is just another progressive strategy for taking your money and giving it to politicians to spent.

**Vote No on Proposition A on Tuesday, April 6. No excuses. **