At Tea Party marches and rallies, we are surrounded by others who understand and cherish liberty. We know the horrors that occur when a government loses accountability to and, yes, fear of the people they govern. Such regimes become murderous, intolerant, and repressive. We know that such a regime in North America is just as dangerous as in Southeast Asia or Europe.
What we often forget is that millions of our fellow Americans don’t understand these things. Public education, and even many private schools, have filled people’s heads with nonsense. The National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers have spent decades removing First Principles from our nation’s classrooms. They have largely succeeded.
If we are to begin making fundamental changes in America, we must get out and introduce ourselves and our principles to those who have been enslaved by ignorance. We need to let our neighbors know that we don’t have horns, we’re not out to destroy them, and that our principles will allow them to achieve degrees of prosperity and happiness they never dreamed possible.
When the call comes, please be prepared to assemble your teams and his the streets in your neighborhood. Help us spread the good news of liberty to your block. In return, you’ll get the peace of mind of know you emancipated a human being. You’ll also get a government you desire and deserve.
Not bad for a day’s work, huh?