Poll: Tim Burns Can Take Murtha’s Seat

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🕔 2 min read ∙ 215 words

The final poll before Tuesday’s special election to fill Jack Murtha’s unexpired seat in the U.S. House shows that Republican Tim Burns is neck and neck with Democrat and pork barrel specialist Mark Critz. (Yes, Critz’s campaign is funded by lobbyists and special interests.)


PPP has it 48 to 47 Burns.

That means GOTV will determine the winner.

If you want to make a difference, here’s the four step plan:

* Got friends in PA12? Call them. Ask them if they intend to vote for Tim Burns on Tuesday*** Email friends who live anywhere in western PA, eastern Ohio, or West Virginia asking them to contact their PA12 friends** Use twitter, facebook, or any other social networking channels to spread the word** Join the nationwide [Virtual Phone Bank](https://stlouisteaparty.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b6334042e74991364820c98c6&id=f73447ba24&e=b1e997cfb9)** Pray. For the next two days, let's set aside One Minute of Prayer at 3:00 p.m. local time. I've added a One Minute of Prayer event to our [Conservative Calendar.](https://stlouisteaparty.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b6334042e74991364820c98c6&id=225b7622ac&e=b1e997cfb9)  (And on Wednesday, we’ll take a moment to thank God for the election, no matter the results. )  This is a great chance to make a difference and set the tone for 2010.