He wrote a wonderful book on the subject. Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?
As I said, I like Seth’s thinking. I get his blog posts delivered via email every day. I have his iPod app on my phone.
I like Seth’s thinking, but not is myopic, prejudiced politics.
Today, Seth wrote a very long post, for him. It seems that the entire purpose of the piece was to slap Fox News and Bill O’Reilly.
What pains me about the piece is that it exposes Seth’s enormous blind spot. Seth doesn’t realize that the liberal networks—CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, MSNBC, CNBC, HLN, etc.—invented the divisiveness that Seth can see on in Fox’s presentation.
Moreover, the grand awaking Seth calls for, in which people stop being cogs who take orders and follow directions, is exactly what the Tea Party movement is about. Seth seems to believe that private companies should surrender power to the people in order to grow. I agree. But Seth believes the people should, in turn, surrender their power and their money to the government.
I utterly refute that notion.