The humility of the immortal and all powerful and all knowing stooping to become a mere human being.
The humility of God and king to live among the humblest and poorest–a carpenter’s son.
The humility of belonging to a race so broken that our Creator sent his only Son to redeem us.
For me, the humblest part of this season is what I’m doing right now. Flashing through my mind are hundreds of memories of my own rampant lack of humility just from this past year.
Christ’s humility–infinitely greater than the combined humility of every human being living and dead–reminds me that the line for heaven will see me at the very end. If at all.
Humility is a tough thing. We earn humility, most of us, with pain and suffering. I get on winning streaks now and then (usually then). It’s hard to believe I can do anything wrong during these streaks. That thinking sets me up for great pain. Which is why I’m reluctant to ask that humble Christ-child to teach me humility.
Humility hurts. But, ultimately, we can’t live without it.
God bless you.
May you have a wonderful Christmas.