When he identified the three branches of government as President, House, and Senate,
In two cases—the Gulf oil drilling ban and Obamacare—the White House refuses to obey ruling from federal judges. In New Orleans, federal judge Martin Feldman found the White House in contempt for its re-imposition of oil drilling bans after his previous ruling to the contrary. Meanwhile, the government has refused to obey a Florida judge’s declaratory relief ruling over Obamacare.
It’s not unusual for dictators to simply ignore court orders they don’t like. But it’s very unusual in the United States. It indicates to me that the era of Constitutional government is over as citizens can no longer rely on injunctive relief from tyranny.
A decade ago, Barack Obama told Chicago Public Radio the believes the U.S. Constitution “is a fundamentally flawed document.” In that interview, he expressed his further belief that radicals who attempted to undermine the Constitution through the courts were misguided.
Today we’re learning Obama’s preferred method of ending Constitutional law: naked aggression.
Soon, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear and rule on the Constitutionality of Obamacare. Many observers believe the court will find the individual mandate unconstitutional. Based on his previous contempt for the rule of law, we have no reason to believe Obama would obey the Supreme Court’s ruling.