Since then, over 1,000 state and federal offices have changed hands. In nearly 100 percent of these switches moves power from the privileged to the people. Some more than others. Some not enough. But an amazing reversal of trends, nonetheless.
But our party has only begun.
In Wisconsin—and in state capitals around the country—union filth is demanding even more. More money, more power, more privilege. As the outgoing General Counsel of the National Education Association admitted that the NEA doesn’t care about children or the future, but about power. The power to tax teachers and to use that cash to acquire more power for the privileged.
Our fight is only beginning.
The dark forces of collectivism have redoubled their efforts to crash the American system and Western civilization. They seek to destroy and to seize dictatorial power in the confusion that ensues.
But we have a right—a right granted by our status as humans—to fight back. We have a right to say, “No.” We have a right to abolish governments destructive to the ends of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and to replace them with institutions that, in our opinion, will best protest our sacred rights.
Every federal office holder takes an oath to preserve the Constitution against all enemies—foreign and domestic. But that formality is only an affirmation. Every American has an individual right and duty to identify, pursue, and purge government of enemies to our Constitution.
That is why the Tea Party happened, and it’s why the Tea Party lives on.
You are the vanguard, not of revolution, but of restoration.
Restoring the republic.
Restoring our sacred rights.
Restoring the rule of law.
My first post proposing a St. Louis Tea Party
Michelle Malkin’s Tea Party post that inspired me to act
The “recipe” Dana Loesch and I followed (since we really had no idea what we were doing)’
Finally, my reflections on that first event