Of course, they’re not really inviting me to speak; they’re inviting the thousands of St. Louis area activists who have done so much to advance liberty and defend freedom over the past 25 months.
Trent Humphries put out a request for speakers after the rogue sheriff of Pima County began an intimidation campaign against Tucson Tea Party speakers. Gateway Pundit and 24th State’s editor brought the incident to my attention, and I offered to speak.
I also emailed Pima County Sheriff, Clarence Dupnik, requesting his response to allegations of intimidation. Having received no answer in the month since the request, I am left assume that he does not deny the charges.
The Tucson Tea Party won’t be silenced, and neither will we. That’s why I’m going to Tucson April 29 and 30 thanks to the generosity of the Trent Humphries and Tucson Tea. I hope you will either join us a the tea party or make a donation to the Tucson Tea Party to help defray the costs of working around their sheriff’s attempts to silence us.