Register today for Vacation Liberty School. Here’s 3 reasons why you should:
Most school systems don’t care about liberty; they care about conformity. The only way kids will learn an appreciation for the blessings of liberty
Many teachers would love to teach more about the blessings of liberty to their skulls full of mush, but they can’t. School boards and idiotic testing mandates prevent them. So parents who care about liberty need to teach kids about it on their own. That’s where Vacation Liberty School can help.
Liberty is never more than one generation away from extinction. So send your kids to Vacation Liberty School this summer.
The St. Louis As a Mom team is gearing up for a one week summer program designed to teach 5th thru 8th gradersabout the founding principals of the US. Their Vacation Liberty School program is based on the structure of Vacation Bible School, but uses a curriculum that has been used elsewhere in the country to teach youngsters about our country’s core beliefs. You can learn more at the website:
VLS will run from June 13th to 17th and costs $25 per child. We need to register attendees now so that we can make sure that we have enough teachers, volunteers, and supplies.
Thanks much!
Link to brochure.
Link to org website.
Gateway Academy website.