That’s right, UMSL and UMKC are teaching kids how to destroy business in America. They want your job to go overseas. And the guy leading the class is a proud communist.
No employer in his right might would hire a graduate of the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Why? **Because your UMSL Faculty teaches students to sabotage their employers. **
You get that students? Good luck finding a job after your board of regents hired communists to teach you to sabotage the very companies that you’ll try to work for some day.
Missouri’s taxpayers fund the University of Missouri system. At least two of those three schools teach courses on industrial sabotage, violence, and intimidation.
In other words, UMSL teaches students to destroy Missouri businesses. And you pay for it.
Want to know why companies flee the United States? It’s because the union movement has devolved into a criminal enterprise. It’s a union movement supported by brain-dead academics like Judy Ancel and the University of Missouri System President and Chancellors.
Remember, unions work for unions, just as corporations work for corporations. Union bosses and degenerates like Judy Ancel and her accomplice Don Giljum couldn’t care less about a worker. These two wastes of human flesh live for themselves and for their communist ideals.
**Want to voice your opinion on this course? **
Call, write, or email Steve Owens, Interim President
321 University Hall*
Columbia, MO 65211*
(573) 882-2011*
Doh! You can’t
email the U of M President because his email system was shut off! Can’t take the heat Steven? Or is UMSL’s computer network the victim of your Communist Party Department’s sabotage? So call
If they dare try to evade accountability, read them this paragraph from their own website:
The University of Missouri, which refers to the institution, in all of its parts, persons, property and relationships wherever situated, owned, operated, controlled, managed or otherwise regulated, is under the supervision or direction of The Board of Curators of the University of Missouri.
I hear people at UMKC are furious. Not because Missouri taxpayers are being fleeced by communists, but because the taxpayers FOUND OUT!!
Exit question: Have you contacted U of M? Your State Rep and Senator? Please do. Ask them why we pay to have communists teach students to destroy Missouri businesses.
And demand that they pass SB1 pass. This is a bill that makes it a little harder for union thugs to drive business out of Missouri. And it’s about damn time!
The man to contact about SB1 is Senator Tom Dempsey from the St. Charles area. Here’s his contact information:
Capitol Office:*
201 W Capitol Ave., Rm. 332*
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101*
(573) 751-1141*
FAX: (573) 522-3383*
District Office:*
PO Box 62*
St. Peters, MO 63376*
(636) 294-2526
Let Senator Dempsey know that SB1 is vital to Missouri jobs and you want it passed.