I’m going to ask you to melt phones in Jefferson City, UMSL, UMKC, and Mizzou. I’m asking you to do this today and tomorrow. I’m following up with an email to you.
Follow the #mounion hash tag on twitter
Jay Nixon just asked the legislature to transfer $400 million from the taxpayers to the University of Missouri System. Unless the Governor or the Legislature acts at your request, some of that money will go to put you out of work.
That’s right: proud communists want to destroy the system that creates the wealth that funds the University of Missouri system.
But they don’t stop at wishing; they teach the students how to do it.
And Don Giljum, a communist union guy, encourages students to use violence to bring about his Marxist fantasy.
Read these stories:
Giljum was brought in by Judy Ancel, vocal opponent of Right to Work in Missouri. Ancel was caught on tape telling students how to crash the electrical grid by electrocuting cats. Yes, cats, for all you Prop B fanatics out there.
Then ACT. Make some calls. Let’s save this country from the communists who brag about their intentions of destroying it.
Wednesday and Thursday
April 27 & 28
From 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
*Here’s how: *On Wednesday and Thursday, April 27 and 28 CALL, Write
Call the Chancellors of all three schools at the numbers listed below. Tell them you demand that they fire everyone responsible for these classes, and that they take positive steps to prevent criminal instruction in the system.
- Thomas F. George, Chancellor, University of Missouri-St. Louis 314-516-5252** Leo Morton, Chancellor, University of Missouri-Kansas City 816-235-1101** Brady J. Deaton , Chancellor, University of Missouri **573-882-3387**
And the U of M Interim President, Steve Owens, (573) 882-2011* 2. **Call your Missouri State Senator** and ask him or to demand a vote on SB1, a bill that would give Missouri workers the right to opt out of union membership. You can look up your Senator here.* 3. **Call Missouri House Speaker** Steve Tilley at 573-751-1488. Tell Speaker Tilley you want SB1 voted on and passed, and you don’t care how many of his donors it irritates.* 4. **Call Governor Jay Nixon** at Phone: (573) 751-3222
Tell each person you speak to you want**:**
1. **Shut down Labor Studies** until the department’s been purged of anti-American radicals*2. Fire Missouri state employees who invited David Giljum and that communist into classroom*3. Apologize to Missouri taxpayers who pay $400 million a year for that university system*4. Apologize to the students and their parents who sat through that filth
Follow the #mounion hash tag on twitter. Retweet the good stuff.