Billy left his home for Tucson Arizona

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I am so proud to be bringing the Spirit of St. Louis to the great people of Tucson, Arizona, this weekend.

Dana Loesch and Jim Hoft are among the speakers at Tucson’s Tea Party on April 30.

The Tea Party is on Saturday, April 30 at 9 am Pacific (11 am Central). And there’s much, much more than just the Tea Party going on. Check it all out here. If you have friends in the area, please ask them to come out. Ask them to attend the Speaker Meet and Greet.

Following the horrible and sickening slaughter of five innocents and the shooting of more than a dozen others in January, the Tucson Tea Party came under politically motivated attacks by Pima County’s miscreant sheriff.

Because of harassment and intimidation by Sheriff Dupnik’s Gestapo, Trent Humphries asked for speakers to come fill out a line-up for their next event.

Jim, Dana, and I said we’d be honored to defy the sheriff who refuses to enforce the immigration law he’s sworn to uphold. Following Congresswoman Gifford’s shooting, Dupnik blamed the Tea Party and came under heavy pressure to resign.

If you are able, the great people of Tucson could use our help with a generous donation for their event.
