Have you known anyone who turned his life around?
I was in New York last week. Every day I was there, I passed hundreds of people. Each day, I met a dozen new friends. Everyone in New York, it seems, is ready to smile and have a conversation.
I thought about some of these people– the young couple holding hands, the young man with a hoodie a dozen tattoos, the two models (I was in that part of town) sitting in the hotel lobby talking on their cell phones. I thought about their lives, their secrets, the stuff they wish the whole world knew about them, and the stuff they’d just as soon forget.
I thought about redemption. About how many people we meet have overcome their own weaknesses. We’re lucky to have them among us.
I also though about the people who life has kicked in the gut, but they get up and move on. From them, we learn a lot.
The redeemed. The survivors. They make our society stronger. That WWII generation was great because it was full of people who overcame a lot and kept on growing.
Imagine if we could somehow help a whole community to overcome the nasty hand its been dealt, or its self-inflicted wounds. Wouldn’t it be great to see a desolate neighborhood, a broken city, a dangerous street turned around?
Imagine how powerful, how much hope and strength and joy, would come from a whole community surging toward relative peace and prosperity after decades of decline.
What if we could unleash an upward spiral of positivity for thousands of people at once?
We Can
He also knows that doing more of what’s been done for the past 60 years won’t make the 1st District any better. Martin has the courage to make a change.
I believe that Martin’s district needs a new direction. I know that Martin Baker combines rare strength, courage, and commitment to begin that change.
I urge you to visit this website today. Visit every day and pray. Ask for discernment. Ask for help. Don’t be afraid.
If you can, invest in our future. Help Martin Baker overcome the decades of damage wrought by Lacy and Bill Clay. Help restore our community.
If not us, who?
If not now, when?
_Note: These views do not necessarily reflect the views of St. Louis Tea Party Coalition. But they should.