When Barack Obama declared that Catholics must either violate their consciences or face government persecution, he wasn’t going after just Catholics. Nor was he promoting healthcare.
Barack Obama and his myrmidon Kathleen Sebelius tried to erase the First Amendment. They tried to erase religious freedom. They tried to take away yet another foundational liberty that made America America.
And they will try again
Unless you stop them.
But how are you going to stop them alone?
Well, you are not alone.
On February 24 and 25, you can meet your army and get your training. You can become a soldier in the war for religious and economic freedom.
The 3rd Anniversary Tea Party weekend is boot camp for the battle of 2012. For just $65 for the entire weekend—meals included—you can arm yourself with the latest in political warfare.
Can’t make it both days? Tickets are available for Friday evening or Saturday, too.
But please sign up now. We need to know how many soldiers are willing to launch this battle.
If you cannot attend, sponsor someone else to take your place.
Please pray for our mission whether you attend or not. We need God’s help above all else.
Obama showed us just how far he’s willing to go to eradicate, or at least subdue, religion from the United States. He’s willing to go further. Given another four years and the mandate of re-election, Obama’s change will extinguish hope.
This is our crusade. This is our battle. This our prayer. That we may remain free to worship and live, to work and pray as we think best in pursuit of happiness and a good society.