I was surprised to learn that Sarah Steelman conceded the GOP Senate race at 10:00. I’d talked to Todd Akin at my polling place on Tuesday morning, and he confirmed my suspicion the [Missouri](https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=38.5,-92.5&spn=3.0,3.0&q=38.5,-92.5 (Missouri)&t=h) Republican race for US Senate would be close. It really wasn’t.
Mr. Akin won handily, considering the 3-way race. John Brunner’s remarkably negative, nasty, angry campaign should have made the race much closer. It didn’t. Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Ms. Steelman probably helped her, but not enough.
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In the end, Missouri Republicans recognized Todd Akin’s consistent conservatism and rare decency. (Todd Akin is one of the nicest and most honorable people you will ever meet.) Even though I was surprised–and even though Sarah Steelman impressed me throughout the campaign–I believe Missouri made the right choice. Todd Akin was the was the most conservative, viable candidate. I’m glad I voted for him.
I’m also glad I voted for Peter Kinder. Lieutenant Governor Kinder and his chief opponent Brad Lager ran disappointing campaigns. Both candidates attacked the other with half-truths and ridiculous stretches. Still, Lt. Governor Kinder is a loyal and faithful supporter of St. Louis Tea Party and many other great causes. I like both men, but personal loyalties matter.
I’ve met Cole McNary a few times, and I thoroughly enjoy talking to him. Cole’s bright and cheerful and dedicated to public service. We need more people like that in politics, and Cole will make a great Treasurer.
My favorite vote of August 7 was for Missouri’s next Attorney General: Ed Martin. Ed will make a fantastic Attorney General as the battle lines between the states and the government in Washington become more important. If you need to get involved in a race, jump in with Ed. You’ll thank yourself later.
I was heartbroken to learn that Lee Presser lost his bid for Republican committeeman for Queeny Township. Lee would have made a difference in the county Republican party. Maybe the victor will, too, but I know Lee would have. Perhaps God has greater plans for Mr. Presser. I hope so.
If you didn’t vote on August 7, you have about 90 more chances to make a difference. Put up a yard sign, put some stickers on your bumper, join a lit drop, knock doors, make calls, tell friends, tweet, facebook, blog, comment. Every word of support for a candidate helps. Don’t underestimate the power of your voice.