Why did murder skyrocket in Chicago as soon as Rahm Emanuel became mayor? Why have Americans become nastier and meaner since Barack Obama became president?
As Michael Dukakis told us, a fish rots from the head down. Obama surrounds himself with people who thrive on decay and death.
After four years, Obama has nothing to say for himself. Nothing. He can only cut and attack and lie and sneer and mock like a high school bully. He tries to hide his own inadequacies and failures by belittling others’ success.I
The greatest contrast between the Republican ticket and the Obama regime is here. Romney’s team stands for something. It has a vision it is proud to share with the American people. Romney and Ryan want America to do better, for Americans to excel, for American exceptionalism to mean empty welfare rolls and zero poverty.
When you have a vision like, you can talk about it.
If Obama told us what he really wishes for America, we’d drive him out on a rail.
Get a Romney-Ryan sticker on your car. This isn’t about party; it’s about survival.
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