The story Isaac is about tests of faith.
God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his only son, born after Abraham and Sarah had given up hope of conceiving.
Once Isaac was bound and placed on the altar, God stayed Abraham’s hand. “Now I know you fear God.”
You know the rest.
It just struck me this morning, listening to the weather during Jamie Allman’s show, that Isaac now threatens the GOP convention, dangling above Tampa like Abraham’s dagger.
Then there’s the Akin matter, half a continent away.
I know the mind sometimes sees patterns where none exists. But sometimes we’re allowed to see patterns that hold the secret to something big.
A lot of us are willing to sacrifice everything to prove our faith–our faith in grassroots, our faith in God, our faith in country. Steadfastness in the face of danger, rushing toward the gunfire, are qualities we all honor.
I can’t help wonder, though, if God is yelling to us and Todd, “Now I know you fear God,” and we’re not hearing it.
Had Abraham missed God’s word, Israel would not have been born.