The Romney Campaign today reminded me of the McCain Campaign of 2008.
I’m pretty good at ignoring bogus, fraudulent polls like the one CNN released tonight. In that poll, CNN announced a massive 52-46 national lead for Obama. If true, the race would be all but over.
CNN, of course, cooked the books on this one.
About one-third of voters describe themselves as independents, CNN sampled only 3% independents for its latest poll. Out of nearly 1,000 voters, only 37 described themselves as independents.
But that fraudulent poll could prove true if Team Romney doesn’t get its head in the game.
In an internal memo, the Romney people indicated that people will wise up at the last minute before the election and put Mitt into office.
The reality of the Obama economy will reassert itself as ultimate downfall of the Obama presidency, and Mitt Romney will win this race.
McCain believed, in September 2008, that Obama’s lack of experience would “reassert” itself. McCain was wrong.
A Last-Minute Strategy Won’t Help If You’re Behind
Here’s why Romney’s last-minute strategy will fail if he tries it: uninformed voters always break with the majority.
This conclusion comes from scientific studies of fish, but the studies apply to human behavior as well. Further, the studies show why small, vocal groups can exert heavy influence among informed voters, but can do little among the less informed voters—such as show up during Presidential elections.
“A strongly opinionated minority can dictate group choice,” the research team wrote in its report, published in Thursday’s edition of the journal _Science. _“But the presence of uninformed individuals spontaneously inhibits this process, returning control to the numerical majority.” (source:
What that means is that the least informed, undecided voters will break for the candidate CNN tells them is going to win. That’s how CNN’s lies can influence the outcome of elections.
If Romney really wants to win the White House, he better establish a solid lead nationally and in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Colorado—fast.
Here’s What You Can Do
Look, we can’t influence what Mitt Romney does. He’s paying a lot of establishment consultants to figure out a strategy. But if the establishment blows this race, we still need to show some results.
The best thing we can do is to get out the vote of people who think like we do. I’m not talking about tea partiers; I"m talking about the majority who believe that rights come through nature from God to people, and that government’s just powers come from the people alone.
Plus we can get out the vote of people who believe that government debt is bad for us and for future generations.
We can get out the vote of people who believe Obama’s cure for the economy is worse than the disease.
We can get out the vote by working with candidates we like. Better yet, we can get out the vote working with St. Louis Tea Party Coalition and the Madison Project. We’ll be announcing the location of our office this week, and Saturday will be our first door-knocking round. (We’ll need YOU)
Start tonight by attending the Winning Tea Party Strategies meeting at The Pillar of the Valley in Chesterfield. RSVP on Facebook and bring one other person.
While you’re there, RSVP for the September After Party and bring 2 friends to that.
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