A genius is someone who can hold contrary concepts simultaneously in mind.
What, then, do we call a person who simultaneously argues two contrary concepts?
How ‘bout “demagogue?”
A few weeks ago, Barack Obama told America’s business owners that they are not responsible for their success. “Someone else built that.”
Today, the same Obama told Mitt Romney that there not many people who consider themselves victims.
Does Mr. Obama believe that people in dire straights are not victims of circumstances? It seems so. Obama’s telling us that if you succeed, it’s because someone else helped you, but if you fail, you fail on your own.
If that is Obama’s meaning, then his idea of cradle-to-grave government dependency would be, simply, immoral. You don’t systematically reward people who repeatedly fail.
I’d like to welcome Mr. Obama to the world of people who believe we are masters of our domains. But we know Mr. Obama is a demagogue, arguing both sides of the same point to secure himself another four years of dictatorial rule.
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* [Barack Obama Cannot Be Serious](https://legalinsurrection.com/2012/09/barack-obama-cannot-be-serious/) (legalinsurrection.com)