You probably never heard of Lance Beshore of Joplin, MO. He’s been Missouri’s delegate to the Republican National Committee’s Rules Committee for 12 years. He runs the lobbying department of Leggett & Platt furniture company. He’s on the Missouri Chamber of Commerce, and he’s chairman of the board of Freeman Health Systems.
In his roles at Freeman and the Missouri Chamber, Beshore advocates for Obamacare Medicaid Expansion in Missouri.
This information, via 24th State, may explain why Lance Beshore and Catherine Hanaway reneged on their support of Ed Martin to replace Lance on the GOP rules committee.
Medicaid Expansion Is The Poison Apple of Republican Politics #
When the Obama administration dangled money before the Missouri Chamber’s eyes, they lit up like a smack addict in a shooting gallery. Medicaid Expansion is a short-term windfall for hospital owners and long-term fiscal nightmare for taxpayers. (Click here to learn what you can do about Medicaid Expansion in Missouri.)
The Obama scheme offers states 100% funding of Medicaid Expansion for 3 years, and phases out the payments over time. Then the state gets stuck with the bill. The federal money comes from young workers by taxing future income to pay the debt on federal money.
Beshore and his Missouri Chamber cronies are trying to transfer wealth from children to their grandparents. Money can corrupt.
Beshore Changed His Mind, But Why Is Hanaway Going Along #
In January, according to sources, Beshore decided not to seek a fourth term on the GOP rules committee, and Ed Martin was tapped to replace him. Catherine Hanaway, Beshore, and Martin agreed to the change by email and forwarded the agreement to the RNC. I have not seen the email, but I have spoken to two people who have.
The RNC later decided they needed a signed statement from all three. Beshore refused to sign. According to friends, Hanaway said she won’t kick Beshore off the rules committee, despite the fact that agreed to leave last month.
And that’s where we stand, with Beshore and Hanaway apparently abandoning the grassroots for the cronies.
Looks like Obama’s strategy of turning Republicans into crony capitalists and pitting them against grassroots conservatives is working.
Now go read Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business
But first, contact your Missouri Legislators and them to thwart Beshore’s plan.