Allan Savory caused the slaughter of 40,000 elephants in a vain attempt to save the planet by stopping desertification.
It turns out that he succeeded only in turning lush grasslands into desert. And, of course, killing 40,000 elephants.
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Savory loves animals. He grew up in Africa and adores elephants. So why did he kill them?
Scientists Often Do More Harm Than Good (Iatrogenic) #
Global temperatures are higher now, on average, than they were 100 years ago. I won’t deny that. Nor will I deny that human activity has contributed to that warming. It has.
The question is: which human activities contribute to global warming, or AGW (anthropogenic global warming).
Climate scientists like James Hansen labor to hide the truth. But they know.
The answer is shocking. And the solution is delicious.
In this TED talk, biologist Allan Savory explains how he and other scientists discovered that in their vainglorious attempts to improve nature climate scientists and biologists have, instead, nearly destroyed it.
[ted id=1683]
Thankfully, Allan Savory had the humility to admit he was wrong and the tenacity to spend his life finding a solution to the problem his fellow scientists caused.
Desertification Before Dinner? #
One of the biggest culprits is the US Department of the Interior. The United States government has promoted desertification—turning grasslands and forests into barren desert—by driving cattle and herds off of government property, believing that animals cause desertification.
But herds of animals that roamed grasslands for eons before man help create and support grasslands. In other words, animals don’t kill nature, people do.
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The Solution to Desertification Is What’s For Dinner #
The answer is beef.
Savory and his team have reversed desertification over 15 million hectares by introducing herds of cattle and sheep to deserts.
The process is simple. It works exactly as nature planned—before pointy-headed scientists decided they knew more about nature than nature.
Reversing Desertification Feed The Hungry, Too #
In most of the world, only animals can feed the human population. The environment will not support enough plant-based nutrition no matter what you do.
But herds of animals can live off the land, and feed the people.
Savory has proven it.
Ask Congress To Reintroduce Herds To National Parks #
The US government and its expert scientists caused desertification over millions of acres of the US by forcing cattle and sheep out of national parks. And the same government policies caused the drought plaguing western states today. Savory writes:
I have also found that only two things we do cause billions of acres of such land to exhibit predominantly bare ground between plants:
*1. Too few large herbivores (mainly livestock today) on the land demonstrating unnatural behavior in the absence of pack hunting predators. This leads to over-resting the land while overgrazing plants. *2. Overuse and misuse of the tool of fire
Neither droughts nor any other action of nature cause billions of acres of the US and the world’s grasslands to exhibit such high amounts of bare soil between plants.
Put the cows back where they belong.
Ask your US Senators and Representatives to watch this video. Send them a link to this blog. Ask them to promote good policy and reduce destruction of grasslands. Then, please tell the world you took action by writing a comment on this post.
Here is the text of my message to Rep. Ann Wagner and Senator Roy Blunt:
Did you know that we can improve the environment and stop desertification of America’s grasslands by increasing grazing on national lands?
Please see this blog post and watch the video.
It’s time the Republicans get behind an important environmental cause that will actually make things better. This is good policy and good politics.
This is a matter of life and death for people and the planet. And it might prevent another 40,000 orphaned baby elephants.
Note: I replaced “climate scientists” with “scientists” in several places. Allan Savory is a biologist, not a climate scientist. He was not concerned with climate when he worked on the project that killed 40,000 elephants.