The Devastating Truth About Teachers' Unions

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The stronger the union the weaker the learnin'.  According to Harvard Business Review, students learn less in states with stronger teachers' unions.

A 1-standard-deviation rise in teachers' union dues per teacher is associated with a 4% fall in student proficiency rates, according to a study of 721 U.S. school districts in 42 states by Johnathan Lott of the University of Chicago Law School and Lawrence W. Kenny of the University of Florida.

Dues support union lobbying, which typically pushes for policies such as blocking merit pay and limiting the Teach for America program. Consequently, student proficiency is lower in states with stronger teacher unions, the researchers say.

Get that? Unions use their money to block proven education reforms. Teachers' unions do not exist to make education better; they exist to make the union more powerful.

Your kids are just the ammunition they use.