For years, conservatives have relied on a handful of brave State Senators to block really bad bills.
Here’s how you can help ensure Missouri has some spine in the State Senate for another 4 years. Print 10 copies of this page and hand it to friends. Ask them to join you at Senator Nieves’s Sporting Clays event
**State Senator Brian Nieves **
General Laws Committee Chairman and Senate Majority Whip, Invites you to a Special Event Honoring the TRUE Intent of Our 2nd Amendment where YOU may win a Premium AR15!
**Sporting Clays Shoot & AR15 Give Away!! ******
October 12th, 2013 (Saturday**) St. Louis Trap & Skeet Club, Pacific Mo.**
Shoot 10am-Noon’ish** - Lunch 11:30am to 1pm - Awards and Drawings at 1pm**
Just Lunch - $20 AR15 Chances - $100(1/50 Chance per ticket!)** Shooters - $100****(Includes Lunch)******
Sponsorships & Chances for a Sig Sauer 516 Patrol
$100 Station Sponsor**: **Signage at Shooting Stations (similar to hole sponsor in golf tourney) **$250 Lunch Sponsor: **Prominent Advertising of Company or Entity throughout Lunch Area. ____________________________________________________________________
$500 Sharp Shooter Event Sponsor**:** Four Shooter Packages & Three Station Sponsorships. (_Sharp Shooter Packages is a $700 Value!!_) **$1,000 Marksman Event Sponsor:** Four Shooter Packages, Four Station Sponsorships and FOUR of only Fifty Chances ($100 each) at the Sig Sauer 516 Patrol AR15! (_Marksman Package is a $1,200 Value!_) **$1,500 Sniper Level Sponsor****:** Four Shooter Packages, Six Station Sponsorships and TEN of only Fifty Chances ($100 each) at the Sig Sauer 516 Patrol AR15! (_Sniper Package is a $2,100 Value!_) *******************************************************************************************************************************
Register as a Player/Sponsor Today**! There are 50 or Less chances for the AR! Grab yours NOW! Please provide the following Info and a check made out to “Citizens for Nieves” or call Brian at (314)324.8101**
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
**Number of Shooters in your group________________________________________________**
**Sponsorship Level/Chances for Sig AR etc …________________________________________ **
Paid for by Citizens for Nieves, Dave Bailey Treasurer, Dave Schroeder Asst. Treas. Make Checks Payable to “Citizens for Nieves” and mail to - P.O. Box 1026, Washington, Mo. 63090