Do you live in Rockwood School District?
I do. My kids all went to Rockwood schools. My wife taught in a Rockwood school for three years.
The teachers in Rockwood tend to think a lot like the people who live here. They’re not a bunch of wacked-out lefties. Not most of them.
Still, that good education has come with HUGE price tag. Rockwood is one of the most expensive districts in Missouri. Property taxes for residents are almost double the average car payment.
And Rockwood’s board and administrators have a long, ugly history of scandal, corruption, and waste. The Missouri Auditor and the Missouri Ethics Commission practically have field offices at Rockwood’s headquarters.
** Rockwood overpaid construction company $1.2 million ** Former Rockwood School Board Member Found Guilty ** Rockwood School Board Refuses to Hold Open Meetings
For me, that last bullet is the root of all Rockwood’s evil. School board members get arrogant and secretive. The Rockwood Board does the bidding of the NEA instead of representing the taxpayers who build and maintain the schools. They use your tax dollars to extort more of your tax dollars. They want it all.
That’s why** Rockwood needs a real champion of educationย _and_ the people.**
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If not for Eilleen Tyrrell, that crooked construction company would still be pocketing millions of your tax dollars illegally. Eilleen Tyrrell and Lisa Hunt Earls formed Rockwood Stakeholders for Real Solutions in 2011. Eilleen wanted to give taxpayers a voice.
Eileen Tyrrell gave you a voice, and that voice made your schools better. But it wasn’t easy. RSRS continues to battle the NEA-appointed Board of Education at every turn.
The union bosses and their hand-picked BOE think your money is their play toy. And they don’t like citizen activists like Eileen protected your pockets.
Last year, Eileen made a difficult decision. As one of the boldest, most tenacious ambassadors of accountability in education, Eileen decided she needed to represent you on the inside.
I support and Eileen Tyrrell for Rockwood School Board on April 8th–and every other day of the year.
I meet a lot of people through St. Louis Tea Party activities. Many of those people come out and do a lot of hard work. But that work takes a toll. Most cannot sustain their effort over a long period.
Eileen Tyrrell never gives up. Eileen has fought the good fight–and won–more than anyone I’ve met in the 5 years that the Tea Party has been around.
Now, the NEA is strong-arming teachers to fight Eileen. Some of those union-blinded teachers will put pressure on you and on your kids to stand by the old guard and their secretive, expensive, corrupt ways.
One Rockwood teacher wrote an impassioned Facebook post encouraging you to vote the way her union bosses tell you to vote.
But you’re not like that. You chose to live in Rockwood because you know that hard, honest work wins out. You don’t take orders from union bosses, and you don’t let elected officials secretly divvy out your tax dollars to their friends.
I am confident that you will join me in supporting and electing Eileen Tyrrell on April 8th.
If you believe in government accountability and good schools you will click this link, send Eileen a few dollars to fight the NEA’s millions, and ask just 2 other people to vote for Eileen on April 8th. That’s the only election you need to care about.
Vote for Eileen Tyrrell on April 8th in Rockwood School District.