Don’t you just love brash upstarts? People with verve and moxie?
I do. I like pesky guys full of gumption, like Vladimir Sobotka. I like energetic young political activists like Kenny Newhouse. And I like bold conservative organizers like Eileen Tyrrell. In fact, nothing pleases me more than seeing young, libertarian-ish Republicans making the establishment squirm.
Sometimes the squirming establishment is as small as a GOP township or a school district. Other times, the whole culture squirms.
Ken Newhouse is the young Wildhorse Township committeeman who upset the sleepy GOP establishment with an “underhanded” campaign that involved . . . wait for it . . . KNOCKING ON DOORS!
Eileen Tyrrell is the Eureka mother who organized a citizens group to expose the corruption and shenanigans within Rockwood School Board.
Tony Pousosa fits my definition of “gumption.” Another word that comes to mind is “moxie.”
And that’s why I love Kenny Newhouse’s endorsement of Mr. Pousosa for St. Louis County Executive:
Itâs time for the Residents of St. Louis County to get the fiscally responsible County Executive they deserve. Not only is** Mr. Pousosa** fiscally responsible, he is also** opposed to the City/County Merger**. Tony is the right candidate for the job and I hope you support him come the Primary Election in August
Tony Pousosa stepped up to run for St. Louis County Executive when no one else would. Â He didn’t wait for the filing deadline. And he didn’t wait until his Ellisville land-grap collapsed. I agree with Kenny Newhouse’s assessment of the County Executive race after the last of the filings:
Establishment Republicans have been clamoring for someone with âname recognitionâ to jump into the race. I for one am sticking by Mr. Pousosa because he most closely resembles my beliefs and principals.
Yeah. The establishment appointed Bill Corrigan to challenge Charlie Dooley in 2010–the year the Tea Party led the GOP to 800+ legislative seat gain. But Corrigan failed to topple the troubled, scandal-plagued Dooley in a GOP wave election. Plus, the establishment that year chose to ignore South County, depressing votes for other Republicans in the area.
The establishment’s fund-raising skills don’t translate to critical elections. (Ask Mitt Romney.)
Tony Pousosa for County Executive #
I met Tony Pousosa in September 2012. He was one of the first people to walk into our St. Louis Tea Party Election HQ in South County. He came in to welcome us to his neighborhood and offer his help, even though Mr. Pousosa, a Green Park, MO, councilman, was in a tough race for the Missouri House at the time.
Mr. Pousosa is right on every issue that matters in St. Louis County:
Tony on Issues #
Mr. Pousosa’s energy, drive, and enthusiasm embarrass me. I haven’t accomplished in my life what Tony does in an afternoon. And St. Louis County needs every ounce of energy, verve, and moxie it can get its hands on.
Charlie Dooley and his band of crooks has bled the county dry. Not only is Dooley a Corruptocrat of the highest order, he’s incompetent, even at corruption. Dooley’s administration reminds me of the movie Gremlins. Don’t feed them after dark. And don’t vote for them EVER.
By contrast,** Mr. Pousosa works for people, community, and country.** As County Executive, Tony Pousosa will refocus on County government an improved** business environment for all**–not just for donors and cronies. He’ll focus on making St. Louis County a desirable home for people and families–not an escape route from the city to St. Charles, Franklin, and Jefferson Counties. Â Mr. Pousosa might even reverse St. Louis County’s decade of lost salaries, lost residents, and lost jobs.
**Tony Pousosa will fight against Mayor Slay’s land-grab of St. Louis County. **
**I support, endorse, and ask you to vote for Tony Pousosa for St. Louis County Executive **in August. And I ask you to help Tony financially in his battle for the nomination.