You’d think American foreign policy couldn’t sink any lower than standing by while Vladimir Putin re-conquers the Warsaw Pact nations. Then you’ve underestimated Barack Obama’s incompetence.
Apparently, Obama didn’t bow low enough to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Whatever happened, an “intimate” evening planned for Obama and Abdullah was abruptly cancelled after a two-hour meeting between the two leaders. A meeting intended to “mend fences” between the two men.
UPDATE: Here’s the video from Lou Dobbs on Fox Business
Watch the latest video at
The White House is now denying there was dinner scheduled. They’ve scrubbed all references from the White House web site, they’ve demanded return of printed copies of the schedule (and the state media complied). They’ve even deleted a State Department tweet about the dinner. Before the MSM finishes scrubbing their sites, I grabbed a few screens. Here’s what WaPo said this morning:
[caption id=“attachment_14496” align=“aligncenter” width=“1072”]
And USAToday:
[caption id=“attachment_14495” align=“aligncenter” width=“594”]
But the dinner was cancelled:
Dinner cancelled! Obama has departed King Abdullah’s desert retreat after 2 hr mtg - he was originally scheduled to stay for dinner. #KSA — Molly Hunter (@mollymhunter) March 28, 2014
Fox News reported that a **State Department tweet posted earlier today was deleted **after the White House announced that there never was a dinner planned between Abdullah and Obama. The White House would not explain why the dinner appeared on the President’s official schedule and the press briefing.
What we do know is this: King Abdullah thinks Obama’s a wimp who screwed up the whole Syria thing then appeased Iran on nuclear weapons. Abdullah has stated flat out that if Iran gets nukes, Saudi Arabia will go nuclear.
Apparently, Obama’s fawning, bowing, obsequious routine didn’t impress Abdullah. In fact, I’m pretty sure the King takes Obama for a child playing a man’s role.
It’s highly unusual for a** US President to be effectively kicked out of a country**–especially an allied country. Coming on the heels of Obama’s feckless deterrent in Eastern Europe, Iran’s flouting of the toothless agreement we signed in the fall, and Obama’s collapsing support at home, the world now witnesses a weird scenario in which Saudia Arabia and Israel become the only “Western” countries capable of bare-knuckle diplomacy with the world’s land-grabbers.
What’s to stop Putin from marching through Ukraine straight into Poland? As I said, Putin knows he has an open window to seize all the land he wants until January 20, 2017.