I love this video. And I’m going to ask you a small favor for my son Jack, so please read all.
WARNING: Strong Language
What’s So Great About It? #
You have to love this American Army sergeant telling the Iraqi police how it is in strong language. Perhaps if the Iraqi police had listened, they wouldn’t be defending Baghdad against the Islamic State right now.
But they are.
I know some of you might object to this sergeant’s direct assault on these men’s manhood and character. Don’t be. Like Patton, this sergeant knows these men need to grow spines and to take responsibility for themselves, their comrades, and their country. Not because it’s cool, but because evil men will try to take their country–and their lives–from them.
This sergeant deserves a medal.
If You Don’t Get the Sergeant’s Speech, You Don’t Understand War #
People who’ve never served might not understand that war is violent. The purpose of war is to break an enemy’s will to fight, to break down an enemy’s psyche so thoroughly that the enemy society cannot function without assistance from the victory.
Like the Democratic Party, the propose of war is to make a whole race of people completely dependent on others.
Unlike the Democratic Party, the US military tries to rehabilitate the vanquished society, restore its dignity, and help its people become independent, functioning, proud citizens of their reformed nation.
That means just war is morally superior to the Democrat Party, which Alexis de Tocqueville perfectly described 176 years ago:
Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications, and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent, if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks on the contrary to keep them in perpetual childhood: it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing.
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Independence Day isn’t a furniture sale. It’s a commemoration of a nation’s rejection of the arbitrary rule of other men. July 4th symbolizes a bold American spirit that, like the sergeant in this video, will risk everything to live as free people, free from the tyranny of unlimited state power.
And some risk more than others.
Now My Real Purpose of This Post
That’s why I spent nine years on active duty and nearly three years submerged on a submarine—to preserve and protect our republic and her people.
And that’s why** I’m so proud to tell you my son Jack is re-enlisting today, July 4, on board the USS Missouri in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.**
Congratulations, Jack. And congratulations to the US Navy and to the United States.
Now for that small favor.
Would you mind leaving a short note to Jack in the comments of this blog post?