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Russian troops or Russian proxies murdered 293 people, today, including 23 Americans by many reports.
Israel was forced to invade Gaza to destroy tunnels Hamas uses to invade Israel and murder children.
The world teeters on the brink of all-out war.
But the President refused to cancel partisan fundraising efforts tonight.
Via The Blaze:
At 2:25 p.m., the White House press office e-mailed a response to an inquiry from TheBlaze, “No scheduling changes to be reported at this time.”
Again, numerous reports say 23 Americans were on Malaysian Airlines Flight 17’s manifest. There were no survivors. Since Obama raised about $32,000 each from 30 donors, the fundraiser generated about $41,000 for each American killed. Mission accomplished!
Barack Obama is beneath contempt, and any defense of his actions and failures as President deserve the sort of pity normal felt for the ignorance of animals.