Proponents of Amendment 7 are telling a lot of lies. (I’m looking at you, St. Louis Business Journal.) The biggest lie
While Mayor Slay and the St. Louis Business Journal tell you Missouri’s roads are “crumbling," two independent studies say the opposite. In fact, Missouri has some of the best roads in the country.
Via Show-Me Institute (h/t Darin Morley):
We have often commented that Missouri is “middle of the pack” in various state rankings. Not so with our state highway system. According to the Reason Foundation, our highway system is the eighth best in the nation, in part due to the good condition of our interstate highways and rural roads. The National Chamber Foundation has ranked our road quality seventh best in the nation, with only 6.3 percent of Missouri roads in mediocre or poor condition.
You can download and read the reports yourself from the links in the quote. And here’s a great video from Show-Me Institute explaining smart alternatives to a huge sales tax:
The high quality of Missouri’s roads explains why Mayor Slay, St. Charles County, MODOT, and counties across the state plan to use the largest tax increase in Missouri’s history to build bike paths, greenways, parks, airports, and anything BUT roads and bridges.
Dan Hyatt forwarded this link to a list of pork barrel projects the state plans to fund with your sales tax billions.
Tell your friends that Missouri’s roads are some of the best in the country, but Missouri’s economy is not. And vote NO on Amendment 7 on August 5.