Ferguson Shopping Ideas

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Here are some businesses people should frequent:

Eat at Sweetie Pies on W. Florrisant, or head to Paul’s Market on Elizabeth, Drive down N./S. Florrisant for Shop-n-Save, Chinese Food, local eats, bakeries, dollar tree, etc.  Ferguson also extends to New Halls Ferry and 270, where there is a Home Depot, another Shop-n-Save, Party store, UPS store, and more. https://livewellferguson.com/main/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/FergusonMap5-1.jpg

Also, there is Ferguson Bike shop, The Whistle Stop,  and Sportsprint (where you might find an I heart Ferguson shirt).

So, besides the hard hit area I know you are planning on going to, there are other stores

https://www.sportsprint.com/contact.html https://www.paulsmarketdeli.com/ (awesome meat/butcher shop and deli, with a mini store) https://fergusonbicycleshop.com/wp/ https://www.facebook.com/CathysKitchenrestaurant https://www.facebook.com/theflavorofmexico (El Palenque) https://www.whistlestopdepot.com/index.html (Frozen Custard and food) https://www.marleysferguson.com/ (bar and grill – cheap and good) https://www.corkwinebarstl.com/ (upscale eating, great wine menu) https://www.fergusonbrewing.com/ (local brew and good menu) https://www.cose-dolci.com highly rated Bakery https://www.facebook.com/pages/Faraci-Pizza-North/125001694200111?sk=info https://vincenzosstl.com/ https://www.urbanspoon.com/r/28/322130/restaurant/St-Louis/Spencers-Bakery-Ferguson https://www.andywurm.com/location.aspx (tire and wheel – not the looted rim store) https://www.yelp.com/biz/drakes-place-ferguson https://www.yelp.com/biz/sweetie-pies-saint-louis

And don’t forget! Every Saturday Morning 8 am-noon – through October: https://fergusonfarmersmarket.com/