Accountability? We don’t need no stinking accountability.
No, Ann Wagner didn’t actually say that. But her comments to a 2nd District Republican committee meeting on Tuesday gave at least one attendee the impression that Mrs. Wagner opposes the idea of conservatives holding Congress accountable.
Ann Wagner Attacks the Conservative Heritage Action #
Rep. Ann Wagner accused the conservative Heritage Action for America of “pitting Republican against Republican” and “never attacking Dems” at the Republican meeting.
I’d like to remind Mrs. Wagner that Heritage Action keeps score on all members of Congress, not just Republicans. Also, the reason Heritage Action and its Sentinels focus their activism on Republicans is because we know the Democrats are a lost cause. Yelling at Democrats doesn’t do a damn thing. (I have direct experience on this. I co-founded an organization that did nothing but yell at Democrats from 2009 to 2012.)
We don’t pit Republicans against Republicans, Mrs. Wagner; we pit members of Congress against their own principles. We hold people accountable, not to ourĀ standards, but to the principles people like you campaigned on.
Heritage Action Advances the Policies of Reagan’s Favorite Think-Tank #
While no single institution is the sole judge of what is conservative, the Heritage Foundation comes close. Heritage’s white papers were the foundation of the Reagan Revolution. Here are some examples:
With the arrival of the Reagan administration, the Heritage Foundation and other conservative foreign policy think tanks saw a political opportunity to significantly expand Carter’s Afghanistan policy into a more global “doctrine”, including U.S. support to anti-communist resistance movements in Soviet-allied nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. According to political analysts Thomas Bodenheimer and Robert Gould, “it was the Heritage Foundation that translated theory into concrete policy. Heritage targeted nine nations for rollback: Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Iran, Laos, Libya, Nicaragua, and Vietnam”.[5]
ā Source: Wikipedia
And from Christian Science Monitor in 1984Ā writing about Heritage’s 1,100 page “Mandate for Leadership,” which was something like Reagan’s first administration blueprint:
Like a shadow government - but one with considerable clout - the conservative Heritage Foundation is at work throughout the Reagan administration. Its fingerprints can clearly be seen on the administration’s 1986 budget, now emerging from White House deliberations. And its access in recent days to top government officials, including Cabinet secretaries, has been unprecedented for a private organization.
Even the hardest of the hard left found Reagan’s policies looked likeĀ legislative or executive execution of Heritage policy papers:
Since the beginning of the Reagan Administration, the Heritage Foundation has had an incredible impact on Republican policies in America. The right-wing think tank founded by Paul Weyrich, Edwin Feulner and Joseph Coors is largely to blame for the conservative state we find the country in today.
And, as Richard Amen wrote on We the People blog:
According to conservative writer William F.Buckley, Jr, Reagan acted upon approximately sixty percent of the three volumes of “Mandates” awaiting him when he took office which is why his Presidency was about sixty percent successful.
It’s safe to say that no other institution or think-tank exercised as much influence over the Reagan Administration as did Heritage. Now why wouldn’t Mrs. Wagner want to touch base with Reagan’s favorite think-tank? That’s exactly the service Heritage Action provides her.
Heritage Action launched in 2010 to help conservative legislators stay true to those firstĀ principles. Heritage realized that papers don’t change the world–actions do. But without a leader like Reagan to drive Heritage’s idea into law, its research and policy papers were just Saturday afternoon reading for conservative policy wonks.
Heritage Action’s purpose was to remind self-described conservatives in Washington that we don’t win when we don’t differentiate. And that call to differentiate seems precisely whatĀ disturbs Mrs. Wagner about Heritage Action.
Export-Import Bank Is a Silly Hill to Die On #
Tell me how Mrs. Wagner differentiates herself from Democrats on Export-Import Bank? Wagner and Democrat Claire McCaskill read from identical talking point memos when they spoke toĀ a St. Louis Public Radio reporter. They both threw out the same laughably false “facts” about Ex-Im and jobs, Ex-Im and “level playing fields.” Ann Wagner askingĀ Heritage to attack Dems on Ex-Im is like a soldierĀ calling for mortar fireĀ on hisĀ own position.
Mrs. Wagner continued with some “facts,” like saying Ex-Im “is about 13,000 jobs in district. Jobs in this district. It’s not about Boeing.”
Oh really? Perhaps Mrs. Wagner would show us the research supporting her claim thatĀ Ex-Im created 13,000 jobs in her district. Because thoseĀ would be the only 13,000 jobs Ex-Im created according to a Congressional Research Service report:
A Congressional Research Service report has confirmed that Ex-Im shifts jobs; it does not create them: āEconomists generally maintainā¦ thatĀ subsidizing export financing does not add to the overall level of economic activity, and subsidizes foreign consumption at the expense of the domestic economy. [Therefore], promoting exports through subsidized financingā¦will not permanently raise the level of employment in the economy, but alters the composition of employment among various sectorsā¦ and **performs poorly as a jobs creationĀ **mechanism.ā
Wagner is also wrong when she tells people, “This is about leveling the playing field in the International arena, and I will always fight for jobs in the district.” Less and 1/3 of Ex-Im’s loans involve competing subsidies from foreign governments. And the largest recipient of Ex-Im loans, Boeing, has stated it doesn’t need Ex-Im.
As I pointed out in anĀ earlier post on the matter, Ex-Im is not a huge program. It is not the worst example of corporate welfare and government interference in free markets. Instead,** Ex-Im is an easy win for principled conservatives.** A no-brainer that requires no action. It will just go away.
By defending Ex-Im, Mrs. Wagner has telegraphed how she will handle tougher corporate welfare issues. She will always back corporate welfare queens because they will always cry “jobs.” No facts, just slogans. And this is why I am voting for Bill Slantz for Congress on November 4.
I just don’t understand why Mrs. Wagner wouldĀ choose the Ex-ImĀ hill to die on?
Hey, Kettle: The Pot Is Calling #
What’s more disheartening than the made-up facts was Mrs. Wagner’s silly attack on Heritage Action’s motives. Mrs. Wagner told the audience, which included some Heritage donors and Sentinels, “Heritage is just trying to raise money for itself.”
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION: A psychoanalytical theory, projection is the process whereby one subject believes they see attributes (both good and bad) in another. The theory views this tendency as a defense mechanism whereby unenviable or unpleasant traits, impulses or ideas are attributed to another. In this way, the projector is able to avoid the unpleasantness in themselves.
ā Source: PROJECTIONĀ from Psychological Dictionary
Psychologists call it projection. In South St. Louis it was simplyĀ Ā “the pot calling the kettle black”.
Mrs. Wagner is one of the best-funded people in the House. She’s raised nearly $2 million in the current cycle despite running unopposed in her primary.
Here’s Ann Wagner’s fundraising vs. the House average:
[caption id=“attachment_15448” align=“aligncenter” width=“450”]
Money doesn’t fall into a politician’s lap. She has to work for that money. And she does. Ann Wagner is known as one of the hardest working fundraisers in town. This one and Washington.
While Heritage Action does accept donations, fundraising is not high on its activity list. Accountability is. On that point, Mrs. Wagner seemsĀ as ill-informed as she is on the proper roleĀ of government and on the “conservative-ness” of the Export-Import Bank.
I realize that Mrs. Wagner has to defend her positionsĀ against critics like me. I wish she should do it without the use of fabricated “facts” and psychological projection.
AndĀ that, my friend, is why I am not voting for Ann Wagner this time around.
Note: This post has been updated. Poor writing in the earlier version seemed to diminish Ronald Reagan’s presidency. My apologies. It was totally just crappy writing and did not reflect my views. āwth