Your life is in danger. At this moment, a Chinese nuclear warhead sits in a missile silo. Its guidance, if launched, instructs the warhead to detonate a mile or two above your home. And this was all made possible by extortion, murder, and illegal campaign contributions to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Remember Ron Brown? Brown was Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce.
Ron Brown ran the Clintons' extortion racket in the 1990s.
Ron Brown played a role . . . he would rather not have. Targeted by an independent counsel along with his son Michael and his confidante (and my source) Nolanda Butler Hill on unrelated charges, Brown desperately needed the Clintons’ help to keep himself, Hill, and especially Michael out of prison. In true Underwood fashion, the Clintons exploited Brown’s vulnerability by making him their international bagman.
—Jack Cashill writing on American Thinker
Follow the Money #
Records show that Commerce Secretary Ron Brown used his position to raise illegal donations for the Clintons. Brown turned the Commerce Department into a shakedown machine, just the way the Mafia shakes down businesses. Commerce under Clinton was a protection racket. Donate to the Clintons or something bad might happen to your company. Or your kids.
In a 1998 summary of Clinton’s criminal activities involving Chinese campaign contributions, Phyllis Schlafly wrote:
Bill Clinton’s friend and ubiquitous Democratic fundraiser Johnny Chung told Federal investigators that he funneled nearly $100,000 from the Communist Chinese military to the Democratic campaign in the summer of 1996. The money was handed to Chung by the daughter of the top commander of China’s People’s Liberation Army, General Liu Huaqing, who was also one of the top five members of the Chinese Communist Party’s ruling Politburo.
Remember that illegal influence peddling is the primary mission of the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton used the State Department to extort cash payments from corporations and foreign governments. Clinton laundered the dirty money through the Clinton Foundation.
In the 1990s, the Clintons ran the same money laundering scheme through Ron Brown’s Commerce Department.
The More You Know About the Clintons, the Sooner You Will Die #
After a religious experience, Ron Brown’s confidante Nolanda Hill told her story to former Wall Street Journal and Washington Post reporter Jack Cashill. Writing on the 10th anniversary of Brown’s likely assassination, Cashill says:
Hill is convinced and always has been that Ron Brown was assassinated. At the time of his death, I had refused to believe such a scenario possible. I was doing talk radio then in Kansas City, and I vigorously rejected all speculation about conspiracy. When I started research for my book, Ron Brown’s Body, in 2003, I began with the conviction that the plane crash was accidental and the famed hole in Brown’s head was some sort of anomaly. To say the least, I have lost that conviction.
Cashill has made the story his life’s work. And for good reason. Bill and Hillary Clinton are extortion artists at best and murdering traitors at worst.
You should believe the worst. As Jack Cashill wrote in American Thinking in 2014:
As Hill tells it, Brown arranged a meeting with Clinton at the White House family quarters. It did not go well. When Clinton said there was nothing he could do for Michael, Brown resorted to his ultimate bargaining chip. If he had to, he told Clinton, he was prepared to reveal the president’s treasonous dealings with China, news of which had yet to break.
We now know the China deal involved selling US military secrets to China in exchange for Chinese contributions to the DNC laundered through a tech company called Loral. The late Phyllis Schlafly explained in 1998:
In June 1994, the CEO of Loral Space and Communications, Bernard Schwartz, made a $100,000 contribution to the Democratic National Committee. He then joined a Ron Brown trip to China that led to a $250 million telecommunications deal for Loral’s satellites to be launched by Chinese rockets [in violation of US law at the time].
In October 1994, Clinton lifted the sanctions he had imposed on China for selling missile technology to Pakistan. In early 1995, Schwartz sent a letter to Clinton urging that responsibility for satellite-export licenses be shifted from the State Department to the Commerce Department. Meanwhile, both Schwartz and Johnny Chung made more huge donations, in excess of $100,000, to the Democratic Party.
Back to Ron Brown’s desperate meeting with Clinton. Guess how Bill and Hillary dealt with Brown’s threat.
Next thing you know, Ron was on his final seat-selling trade mission, this one to Croatia to cut a deal between the neo-fascists who ran the country and the Enron Corporation. Yes, that Enron. He never got there. The Air Force plane that carried Brown, the military version of a Boeing 737, crashed into a hillside outside Dubrovnik. Brown and 34 others were killed.
After the crash that took out the US Secretary of Commerce and 33 others, the Clinton Administration covered up everything. They prohibited an autopsy of Ron Brown’s body despite evidence of a bullet wound in Brown’s skull. The military general in charge of the “investigation” repeatedly lied to the press and to Congress. The US Air Force released false press statements claiming the plane’s wreckage was found in the Adriatic. The US government said the plane crashed in the “worst storm in a decade,” which was a laughable lie even at the time. And many involved in the investigation died by accident or gunshot wound before testifying.
Those are facts on the record.
But Nolanda Hill thinks the Clinton’s ordered their hit on Brown before that White House meeting. Here’s how Jack Cashill recounts Hill’s thinking:
Today, after much reflection, Hill no longer believes that the meeting with President Clinton triggered the trip to Croatia. She believes that the planning of Brown’s demise had already begun. “They [the president’s advisors] knew he was going to get indicted. They knew that he was gone.” Brown was the classic “man who knew too much.” The knowledge that had protected when his legal problems could still be fixed left him vulnerable when those problems were beyond fixing.
Back to Cashill’s American Thinker article:
The Enron executives landed safely in their own jet just a few minutes earlier despite what the Clinton administration called “the worst storm in a decade.” As I learned in reading the 22-volume USAF report on the crash, it was not even raining at the time, and the sun was peeking through the clouds. I requested that report eight years after the crash. As far as I know, I was the first person in the media to request it, and the New York Times had a reporter on the plane.
And the Enron flight carried a very important connection to Hillary Rodham Clinton, as will see very soon.
Clinton’s Treason Goes Deeper Still #
These paragraphs from Phyllis Schlafly’s excellent summary of the Chinese missile scandal will make you shudder:
The rationale for allowing U.S. satellites to be launched by Chinese rockets is that the technology is safely locked up in a black box, and Americans monitor the launch to assure that it stays secured. But when the Loral rocket blew up, the parts were scattered. The Pentagon refused comment on the Drudge report that the Loral engineers who reviewed the recovered debris said that the encryption hardware was missing.
U.S. intelligence has reported that China has targeted 13 of its 18 CSS-4 long-range missiles against U.S. cities. The CIA says that China’s targeting was made more accurate by Loral’s unauthorized help. The Justice Department started a criminal investigation of Loral, and the State Department warned that Loral’s actions were “criminal, likely to be indicted, knowing and unlawful.”
In March 1996, despite the objections of Secretary of State Warren Christopher, the Defense Department and our intelligence agencies, Clinton personally transferred jurisdiction over satellite-export licensing from the State Department to his pal, Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. Meanwhile, Bernard Schwartz stepped up his contributions to the Democratic Party and became the largest single contributor in the 1996 election cycle. Clinton signed another waiver this year to allow Loral Space to export a satellite that is scheduled to be launched by the Chinese in November.
To cover up their treason, the Clintons apparently ordered the assassination of Ron Brown and 33 others who boarded a doomed Air Force flight on a trade mission to Croatia.
So why haven’t the Clintons been tried and convicted for these capital crimes? Because they’re out of reach of US law, protected by the Wall Street and corporate interests who laundered Chinese money to the Clintons in the 1990s. That and Republican fecklessness. The GOP impeached and tried Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky scandal when the real crime of the Clinton Administration involved treason and state assassinations. Assassinations and sham investigations.
The Mysterious, Beautiful Woman #
While the Ron Brown assassination story has yet to reach its end, Jack Cashill’s reporting explains Clinton’s desperation to win the White House in 2016. And it involves a mysterious woman.
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Cashill found an intriguing open loop in an Air Force report on the assassination of Ron Brown. (The USAF does not call the report an assassination report, but you know by now that it was.) This open loop was a Croatian woman named Zdenka Gast.
[For more about Zdenka Gast and Hillary’s serial lies, click here.]
Gast was supposed to be on Ron Brown’s plane. At the last minute, she was removed from that death flight’s manifest and moved to the Enron plane.
Why the move?
According to a witness, “There were problems in – in – in this – in concluding this deal where they wanted to sign a letter of intent, and so, rather than – than go on the Brown trip, she stayed with the Inron [sic] people to do the final negotiations.”
The Air Force never interviewed Gast. The USAF claimed they were unable to find her. But Cashill found in a few minutes of searching. He contacted her office. Gast’s office said she’d return the call shortly. Six years later, Cashill is still waiting.
Well, no. Cashill isn’t waiting. He knows he’ll never hear from Gast. As Jack Cashill explains in his American Thinker story:
Inquiring into Gast’s background, I came across the Croatian-language magazine Gloria. The photo that graced this article leapt off the page at me. In the center of three smiling women, all linked arm in arm, was Gast, an attractive, full-figured redhead. On her left was the then Secretary of Labor, Alexis Herman. On her right was none other than Hillary Clinton. Gast was one of only forty guests at a 2000 White House wedding reception for Herman, the woman who dispatched Brown on his fatal trip. Most of the other guests the reader would recognize by name.
According to public records, Gast lives in Grand Island, New York with a home in Florida. She’s listed as CEO of Z Global Consulting Ltd., a company with no apparent legal formation in any state. Except for a bare-bones LinkedIn profile, Gast seems to have been wiped from the internet.
Let’s hope Zdenka, now 67, is still alive.
Hillary Clinton keeps her friends close . . . and her witnesses closer. Just ask Ron Brown.