When the Russian Narrative Broke

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When did the narrative break?

Was it the assassination attempt on GOP Congressmen?

Was it Comey’s admission that Trump was never under investigation?

Was it Kathy Griffin’s grim ISIS imitation?

Was it Trump’s 5-0 winning streak in special elections?

Like the ageless question of how many licks it takes to get to the Tootsie-Roll center of a Tootsie-Pop, the world may never know. Never know just when the Russian narrative broke.


But the narrative broke. Bigly.

Just a few, short months ago, celebrities and journalists could incite violence against Trump and his supporters with impunity. Now, teachers and journalists are getting fired. Celebrities are losing gigs for going over the top.

Yesterday, three fake news journalists were forced to resign from very fake news CNN. They published a false Russian story. CNN had to post a shameful, humiliating retraction. Today, a CNN producer was caught in a Project Veritas sting admitting the Russian story was fake news from day one.

And CNN’s Jim Acosta has become so unhinged his friends are asking him to take a leave of absence and get some help.

The anti-Trump forces put all their eggs in the Russian basket. But the basket broke. The narrative broke. And those anti-Trumps have nothing to turn to. They have no repertoire of tactics. Only one: Russia, Russia, Russia.

And the Russian narrative broke. Like Humpty Dumpty, all the Deep State’s horses and all the Deep State’s men can’t put the Russian narrative together again.

With their only narrative out of the way, with a huge win in the Supreme Court, expect Trump to run up the score for the rest of the summer. Happy days are here again.

By October, we’ll be talking about which loser the Democrats might offer up as cannon fodder in 2020.