Jack Kemp is on the top of my wall of heroes. Literally. An autographed Kemp card sits on top of my bookshelf housing the works and images of my heroes.
As the NFL self-destructs, it’s worth reading about Jack Kemp’s work for civil rights. And for the Republican Party. And for conservatism.
Jack Kemp’s Activism #
Kemp did it all. And, thanks to Jeffrey Lord, we can remember Kemp’s finest moments of civil rights activism:
The 1964 American Football League All-Star Game was scheduled to be held in New Orleans in January, 1965. Kemp and team-mates Ernie Warlick and Cookie Gilchrist were members of the Eastern Division team. When they arrived at the New Orleans airport, Gilchrist and Warlick hailed a nearby cab. The cabbie told Gilchrist: “You have to take a colored cab”, to which Cookie replied “I don’t care what color it is, we just want a cab!” The driver explained that they had to wait for a cab used only for black patrons. He peered out at Kemp, though, and said “I’ll take you.” Kemp replied that if the cab was too good for his friends, it wasn’t good enough for him.
After similar treatment of the black players at their hotel and other Big Easy establishments, Kemp joined with the rest of the white players on the squad to support the black players in their boycott of the city. In an early civil rights stand, the players held out and the game was moved to Houston.
That’s Jack Kemp. Patriot and leader.
Jeffrey Lord asks that you honor Jack Kemp by shunning the NFL and all its works and all its empty promises.
Turn off the games. Don’t go to the games. Stop buying the endless merchandise.
As it were, it is apparently time for the fans of the NFL to “take a knee.” To boycott the NFL by simply closing their wallets and walking away from rich, privileged athletes who couldn’t polish Jack Kemp’s cleats. Much less have the real courage to go outside the football stadium and help — yes — make America great again.
The NFL that threatened to fine players for honoring 9/11 victims. The NFL that prohibited the Dallas Cowboys from honoring police officers assassinated in the line of duty. The NFL that now claims players right to desecrate the flag at work cannot be infringed. That NFL doesn’t deserve another American nickel.
You Can Take Action #
Yet, that NFL that expresses its disrespect for the United States with juvenile pre-game demonstrations takes $7 billion in United States tax dollars to build stadiums.
Along with the NFL, let’s not do business with the NFL’s largest sponsors:
** Boycott Ford ** Boycott GM ** Boycott Anheuser-Busch ** Boycott Nike
How ignorant of Ford and GM. Did they do the math before supporting this anti-American demonstration? How many pickups do Ford and GM sell to former NFL fans? How many pickups and SUVs? (I’d buy Toyota and Nissan stock now.)
Next, the president should sign an executive order prohibiting any federal agency from advertising during NFL events. He should prohibit the Department of Defense from participating in any NFL event. No flyovers. No parachute drops. No color guards.
Finally, it’s time to remove the NFL’s antitrust exemption. Let the owners be subject to the laws that govern other industries.
In other words, it’s not enough to turn our backs on football. It’s time to **actively destroy the NFL. **
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