The holy Rosary is a powerful weapon!
St. Josemaria Escriva
On Sunday, October 7 at 3:30 p.m. Central (and simultaneously across the USA and the whole world), millions will say the Rosary in unison. Will you join us?
We are at war. A war without borders, where no man is exempt but where most haven’t recognized, let alone been trained, to fight. Casualties often go unseen, but very few are left unwounded. The Enemies encamped against us seek to rob us of our Dignity–the essential Dignity of the Human Person, being made in the Image and Likeness of God.
Where and When? #
Join us at one of the most beautiful, best-kept secrets in the Midwest: the Shrine of the Black Madonna in Eureka/Pacific, Missouri. Just 10 minutes from I-44 and Hwy 109 in Eureka, you’ll be amazed you’ve never been to this beautiful and holy site. Filled with more than a dozen lovingly crafted grottos and sites, the Black Madonna Shrine is where I go to pray for strength, courage, consolation, and peace. And it will be stunning on October 7. (Directions below photo)
Other locations in the St. Louis area, according the map of locations:
- St. Paul Catholic Church in Fenton, MO * St. Clare of Assisi Church in Chesterfield, MO * Susson Park Pavilion, St. Louis, MO * St. David Church in Arnold, MO * St. Francis of Assisi on Telegraph Rd. * St. Mary of Victories on 3rd Street, St. Louis, MO * St. Angela Merici in Florissant * Blessed Sacrament in Belleville, IL * St. Mary’s in Belleville, IL * Sts. Peter and Paul in Waterloo, IL
If none of these locations works for you, consider organizing your own event at your parish. Register your Rosary location here.
UPDATE: Life Chain, a national pro-life event, is also scheduled for Sunday, October 7 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. I do not want anyone to have to choose between the two events. Everyone should participate in both. If necessary, we will delay the start of the Rosary until 3:30 p.m. to accommodate those who wish to participate in a Life Chain event before the Rosary Coast-to-Coast event. Praise God for so much prayer in one day!
Directions #
Take Interstate 44 to the Eureka exit. Turn south onto Highway 109 and drive to Highway FF. Turn right onto FF and drive to Highway F. Turn left onto F. Drive to St. Joseph’s Road and turn right. The entrance to the Black Madonna Shrine and Grottos will be on your left.
Click on the map to go to Google maps.
If you are driving to the Shrine and using a GPS device, the physical address is:
Black Madonna Shrine
265 St. Joseph Hill Road
Pacific, MO 63069
Tentative Agenda for Black Madonna Shrine #
2:00 to 3:00: Arrive and tour the beautiful grottos and sites of the Black Madonna Shrine
3:00: Gather in open air chapel for opening prayers and remarks
3:30: Rosary (all four mysteries)
4:30: Thanks and departure
This schedule is subject to change
Why Rosary Coast-to-Coast? #
This is from the website:
We are at war. A war without borders, where no man is exempt but where most haven’t recognized, let alone been trained, to fight. Casualties often go unseen, but very few are left unwounded. The Enemies encamped against us seek to rob us of our Dignity–the essential Dignity of the Human Person, being made in the Image and Likeness of God.
We, in the United States share the conviction, now seen and acted upon in the International community, to enter fully into the spiritual warfare we are facing and to pray for our respective nations at this watershed moment in history. We hear the clarion call of the Holy Spirit, through the Immaculata, and each of us sound the reply:**
****“I’m Going In!”**Doug Berry, National Organizer of Rosary Coast-to-Coast
Why October 7? #
October 7 is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The day celebrates the Battle of Lepanto when Christians defeated Turkish Muslims thanks to the intercession of the Blessed Mother:
Saint Pius V established this feast in 1573. The purpose was to thank God for the victory of Christians over the Turks at Lepanto—a victory attributed to the praying of the rosary. Clement XI extended the feast to the universal Church in 1716.
What Is the Black Madonna Shrine? #
The Black Madonna Shrine is one of the best-kept secrets of Midwestern Christendom. Just 20 minutes from St. Louis, the dozen grottos were built by a Franciscan brother.
Nestled in the beautiful foothills of the Ozarks, the Black Madonna Shrine and Grottos offer a galaxy of dazzling mosaics and multi-colored rock sculptures. Dedicated to the Queen of Peace and Mercy, the Shrine is a shining example of what one man of faith can achieve. The grottos, which are constructed of Missouri tiff rock, are set in a countryside atmosphere that refreshes the body and soul.
The origins of this religious setting trace back to 1927. Among the Franciscan Missionary Brothers who that year emigrated from Poland to the St. Louis area was Brother Bronislaus Luszcz . . . He was a man driven by an overwhelming faith and love for Our Blessed Mother Mary.
What Do I Bring? #
A Rosary and a friend (or two). If you do not have a Rosary, one will be provided for you (to keep). If you do not know how to pray the Rosary, don’t worry. We will have a prayer leader and pamphlets to guide you.
What Can I Do Now? #
- Pray. Pray the Rosary every day. 2. Fast. Skip one meal a day at least three times a week. 3. Spread the Word. Make this event huge. 4. Go to confession. 5. Receive communion. 6. Visit the Rosary Coast-to-Coast website. 7. Visit the Black Madonna Shrine website. 8. Spread this post on social media. 9. Join us at the Black Madonna Shrine on October 7 at 3:00 p.m. 10. Consider making a donation to the Black Madonna Shrine.
In Christ,
Bill Hennessy
The Rosary is the weapon for these times.
St. Padre Pio