How will God answer our prayers?

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How will God answer our prayers to make America holy again?

For 17 days we’ve been praying, going to confession, going to mass as often as we can. Rosaries. Chaplet of St. Michael. Tomorrow, election day, our back-to-back novenas wrap up.

Fr. Heilman asked his Spiritual Warriors to do as many of these daily devotions as possible:

  1. Pray in a State of Grace (Go to Confession)
  2. Believe God will answer our prayers
  3. October 20 – October 28 – Novena #1 – Pray the St. Jude Prayer
  4. October 29 – November 6 – Novena #2 – Pray the Immaculate Conception Prayer
  5. Pray the Rosary Daily
  6. Add Penance (recommend follow-through on some “get-healthier” challenge)
  7. Pray the St. Michael Chaplet (Call upon St. Michael & Nine Choirs of Angels)
  8. Enlist 18 Saints & 18 Holy Souls into your Holy Alliance, and pray for 18 people in need of conversion (Learn how HERE)

Most days, I did the first seven. (I missed the St. Michael Chaplet twice.) 

What’s the Answer? #

I highlighted the second step: believe God will answer our prayers. That one seems harder than the rest. Actions are much easier to force than beliefs are. How do you make yourself believe something?

I think the answer is to pray for that grace. To pray that you believe God will answer your prayers. Pray for the wisdom ask God for the right thing. 

My intention for these novenas was to make America holy again. It was not that one party—or one candidate—win. I don’t know God’s plan well enough to ask for that specific of an outcome. So I prayed that, whatever the outcome of races, the result a nation more desiring of a tighter relationship with Jesus Christ. 

In my limited knowledge of things, I believe that Republican leadership brings us closer to God because Democrats fully embrace and promote evil. But maybe God knows something I don’t. Humility requires that I assume God is smarter than me. Infinitely smarter. 

So I pray and wait for God’s answer which I know will come. I know that the results of tomorrow’s election will be an answer to our prayers. I don’t know what that answer will be just as I don’t know the hour or day of my death

Vote for Dottie #

As a final reminder, if you live in Eureka, Wildwood, or Pacific, vote for Dottie Bailey for the Missouri House district 110 tomorrow. Dottie will help God make Missouri holier again. And she’ll work to eliminate the laws and regulations holding us back.