What Do the MSM, the DNC, and Atheism Have In Common?
Way too much to catalog here, but one big thing is–dying. According to the World Tribune, atheism is in decline around the world.
I see things and tell people about them
Way too much to catalog here, but one big thing is–dying. According to the World Tribune, atheism is in decline around the world.
According to Michelle Malkin, FEC Commisioner Bradley Smith is preparing to cave into the two senators whose names appear on the law, and Democrats in general who want to outlaw political activity on the internet.
Bah hah hah hah hah I am so moved by Senator Byrd’s undying respect for the Senate’s traditions that I must ask him to go further to make his point.
WuzzaDem hits a homerun. Link via Poliblog
Well, at least one of its more, shall we say, “anti-Bush” writers, Christopher Dickey.
From now on, when someone asks me what I do for a living, I’m sending them here.
So, theSupremes peered into the US Constitution and found an entry regarding the age of criminal defendants and what punishments states may imposed thereon.
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