What the World Needs Now
Unless you’re training a young puppy, you don’t think about it very often.
I see things and tell people about them
Unless you’re training a young puppy, you don’t think about it very often.
Stella Is My Teacher # This is probably disturbing to theologians and apologists, but it makes sense to me.
A faction in America seems hellbent on destroying the country in order to save it from Donald Trump.
Judging by the hateful behavior of the materialistic left, you’d think Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a history of driving around neighborhoods and stopping to strangle puppies in front of their 5-year-old masters.
You might think I’ve been pretty hard on Pope Francis lately. I’ve questioned whether his refusal to deny Archbishop Viganò’s accusations.
One week after Archbishop Carlo Viganò released his bombshell letter, it looks obvious that Pope Francis admits the key allegation: Francis knew McCarrick to be a serial molester, and he returned McCarrick to public ministry anyway.
“Good luck with your evangelism,” my wife said. We were discussing my plan to become a Catholic Street Evangelist.
God bless Jim Towey and the work of his school, Ave Maria University.