Remember, Lord, how your servants are taunted (because of the sex abuse scandal)
Another day, another 300 accused predatory priests. When will it end, Lord? When will it end?
I see things and tell people about them
Another day, another 300 accused predatory priests. When will it end, Lord? When will it end?
A great colleague and I invented something in 2010. It was a two-day workshop for companies.
I need to practice something. I need to practice being more generous with compliments and praise of others.
God made man and woman, and man and woman screwed everything up. So, eventually, God gave up the comforts of heaven and most of the perks of being God to become a man on earth and show us how to do it right.
Just a short note to wish my friend Jim a happy birthday.
Last week, Pope Francis approved a change to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Not all television is bad. Yesterday, I wrote about a dark and unpleasant future.
God laughs at man’s plans. That’s because God has already given us the only plan we need.