Kerry's Vietnam Strategy Defies Logic
Rush Limbaugh started down this path on radio last week, but Christopher Hitches beautifully finishes the job in Slate, brought to my attention by Poliblog.
I see things and tell people about them
Rush Limbaugh started down this path on radio last week, but Christopher Hitches beautifully finishes the job in Slate, brought to my attention by Poliblog.
Never open a bottle of wine unless you intend to finish it.
Oil output is up and demand is down. The reasonable price for oil is about $35.
Just when I was ready to hand the election to Kerry thanks to the SwiftVets, the DNC makes me look stupid.
A powerful union allowed to run amok in the St. Louis area’s fire protection district has made a lot of firefighters rich.
The swift boat veterans who penned the anti-Kerry book have accomplished two things: made themselves look petty and made John Kerry look strong.
The last time an American girl won the Olympic Gold Medal for All-Around in gymnastics, a Republican president won re-election in a landslide against a liberal Democrat from Massecheusetts.
Perhaps my reaction was his intention with this column. Ted Rall is a liar who lies to promote his personal goal of inciting a violent overthrow of the United States government so he and George Soros can impose a Stalinist state.